
Top Universities in Dominica


Dominica’s education system is compulsory till the end of secondary school. Pupils attend primary school for six or seven years after pre-school, after which they are accepted to secondary school on the basis of their performance on the Common Entrance Exam. In the fifth year of study, students sit for the General Certificate of Education (GCE), which has been largely superseded by the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate, which is administered by the Caribbean Examination Council (a 15-member confederation of the Caribbean community) (CARICOM). The CAPE test, which is a more advanced form of this examination, may be taken after completing two years of community college. Dominica State College, previously known as Clifton Dupigny Community College, is a private institution on the island. A number of Dominicans are studying in universities in Cuba, thanks to scholarships provided by the Cuban government; others are enrolled at the University of the West Indies or at universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, or other countries.It is situated on Springfield Estate, between Canefield and Pont Cassé, and serves as a biological field station for Clemson University. The Archbold Tropical Research and Education Center is owned by the university.

All Saints University School of Medicine first opened its doors in temporary premises in Loubière in 2006, before settling in its current location in Roseau, Dominica. The Institution for Tropical Marine Ecology, a marine biology institute in Mahaut that had been in operation since 1989, was dissolved in 2009.

The Portsmouth campus of the Ross University School of Medicine was established in 1899. Founded in the 1980s, Ross has been doing business in Dominica.  Ross University used to have a large number of medical students from the United States and Canada who came to study there each year, but the campus was forced to relocate permanently to Barbados at the beginning of the 2019 Spring semester due to extensive hurricane damage sustained by the Dominican campus.

A vital role in the education of Dominica’s people is played by the Dominica Library and Information Service (DLIS). The establishment of a public library in Dominica did not happen overnight, despite the laudable motivation to “assist the coloured people… [better] their lot as they progressed down the road of full independence…” Boromé (2003, p. 203). Starting off as a reading room, the Dominican library would eventually grow into a free and public library that wasn’t quite free: users were forced to pay a membership fee. A century after being founded, the library has survived religious and political strife, the Great Depression, and two world wars before being placed under the administration of the government, which has set aside money for its maintenance. The irony is that the early phases of the library’s existence were devoted to eradicating the “uncouth” and “barbarous patois,” which is now being maintained. However, it was successful in achieving its objective of “decreasing the very high proportion of illiteracy on the island” (pg. 225). The historical library, on the other hand, was destroyed in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2018, and is scheduled to be rebuilt with a more contemporary design.

Universities in Dominica are included in the world ranking every year. These universities offer unique opportunities for study abroad students and an international educational experience that prepares them for careers in a globalized business environment. The acceptance rate to these universities is from 30 to 40 percent. Universities in Dominica are is always at the top due to the quantity and quality of education. Through the courses and study programs offered, students learn new teaching methods and teachers help them put them into practice. The purpose of the offered courses and programs is to educate students with modern teaching methods and prepare them for the future.These courses further enhance students’ academic skills. The process of training staff through modern training technologies is organized through short-term training. The universities located here help to further develop the knowledge and skills of students by applying various teaching methods. Even university offers a library, accommodation, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning possibilities, as well as administrative services to students. Universities in Dominica expand cooperation with other countries and this leads to more students studying in other countries. Students can spend their time more efficiently. Applicants from all around the world are welcome to apply. If you want to get more detailed information, you can see at Topuniversitieslist.

2022 Dominica University Ranking

University Town
Ross University School of Medicine Dominica 5845 1