
Top Universities in Namur


What are Namur’s most well-known universities? Topuniversitieslist attempts to address this query by releasing the Namur University Ranking for 2022, which includes five recognised Namur higher-education institutions that fulfill the Topuniversitieslist selection criteria:

  • being chartered, registered, or certified by the relevant Belgian higher education-related institution, and providing at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees) in a conventional, face-to-face, non-distance education style.

Our goal is to create a non-academic League Table of the top Namur Universities focused on valid, impartial, and non-influenceable site metrics generated by objective web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the universities.

Namur universities ranking is considered one of the oldest and most famous universities in the world. This university is officially recognized by the state. Namur universities ranking is selected for the quality of the education it provides. The main goal is to teach new knowledge to students. Professors and teachers working in these universities have passed various certifications. The establishment of international academic relations leads to an increase in the number of students applying here from all over the world every year.New teaching methods are one of the main factors leading to the development of education .Universities are expanding cooperation with other countries, which leads to more students studying in other countries.The admission rate to these universities is to 60 from 65 percent. Different projects are presented to the students to work both individually and in groups. In the shortest possible time, the students have to present these projects to the teachers. In the parts where the students have difficulties, they express their opinions to the teachers. Discussion and exchange of information is carried out in a mutual way. Students apply to these universities from all over the world. Universities expand cooperation with other countries and this leads to more students studying in other countries. If you want to get more detailed information, you can see at Topuniversitieslist.

2022 Namur University Ranking

University Town
Université de Namur Namur 1058 7
The Haute École de Namur-Liège-Luxembourg Namur 5454 35
The Haute École Albert Jacquard Namur 6830 40
The Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie Namur 7369 49
Haute École de la Province de Namur Namur 8766 57