Universities in Armenia
Higher Education in Armenia
2022 Ranking of Armenia Universities
What are Armenia’s most famous universities? Topuniversitieslist has published the 2022 Armenian University Ranking, which includes 45 Armenian higher-education institutions that fulfill the Topuniversitieslist quality criteria:
being chartered, registered, or certified by the relevant Armenian higher education-related institution, and providing at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees) in a conventional, face-to-face, non-distance education style.
Explore the 45 universities in Armenia that make up the Topuniversitieslist League Table and University Ranking.
2022 Sub-rankings by provinces and territories
Armenia is divided into 11 provinces (Armenian: marzer) and a single autonomous region, Yerevan, which serves as the country’s capital. Provinces was subdivided further into over 500 Municipal Communities (Armenian: hamaynkner). The autonomous city of Yerevan, which is located in the country’s center and is the most densely populated city, has the greatest number of higher education institutions that follow the Topuniversitieslist selection criterion. Both administrative units of at least two Armenian higher education entities matching the Topuniversitieslist selection criterion are included in the following Topuniversitieslist league tables or sub-rankings.
Shirak |
Yerevan |