
Top Universities in Lima


What are Lima’s most well-known universities? Topuniversitieslist attempts to address this issue by releasing the Lima University Ranking for 2022, which includes 53 accredited Lima higher-education institutions that fulfill the Topuniversitieslist selection criteria:

  • being chartered, registered, or certified by the relevant Peruvian higher education-related body, and providing at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees) in a conventional, face-to-face, non-distance education style.

Our goal is to create a non-academic League Table of Lima’s best universities that is focused on accurate, impartial, and non-influenceable site metrics generated by objective web intelligence outlets rather than data submitted by the universities themselves.

University of Lima ranking has name in the world ranking. Teaching students with different methods increases their interest in the lesson. Universities have freedom in the preparation and implementation of curricula, in the conduct of scientific work, and in the awarding of academic degrees (diploma and doctoral degrees). Teaching students knowledge in innovative ways is an important factor. Students participating in the organized projects and conferences are invited to various programs by the university in the future. One of the main goals of the university is to become a university that meets international standards, has innovative, highly qualified personnel, and has the status of an international university. Also, students’ cognitive skills are developed. Students are formed in such habits as establishing business relationships, defining professional relationships, taking an individual approach, creating a good environment, solving problems with understanding, informing, listening, introducing oneself, writing letters, questionnaires, applications, asking questions, conducting discussions. University of Lima ranking is a very famous university in the world. Students can also use the library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, and online courses. It is available in many libraries in the universities located here.Students from all over the world apply to the universities here. If you want to get more detailed information, you can see at Topuniversitieslist.

2022 Lima University Ranking

University Town
Universidad Autónoma Municipal de Los Olivos Lima Un Un
Universidad Peruana de Arte Orval Lima Un Un
Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de San Juan de Lurigancho Lima Un Un
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Per Lima 506 1
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Lima 800 2
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas Lima 1327 3
Universidad Tecnológica del Peru Lima 1586 4
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Lima 1843 5
Universidad del Pacifico Lima 1941 6
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Lima 2050 7
Universidad de Lima Lima 2273 9
Universidad de San Martn de Porres Lima 2210 11
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Lima 2503 11
Universidad de San Martín de Porres Lima 2507 12
Universidad Ricardo Palma Lima 3337 19
Universidad ESAN Lima 3406 20
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniera Lima 3091 20
Universidad Peruana Unión Lima 3948 26
Universidad Cientifica del Sur Lima 4146 28
Universidad de Ingeniera y Tecnologa Lima 4150 29
Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener Lima 4497 32
Universidad Alas Peruanas Lima 4792 34
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal Lima 4819 35
Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Lima 4903 37
Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón Lima 5036 38
Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle Lima 5358 40
Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya Lima 5894 47
Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae Lima 6402 52
Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión Lima 6580 54
Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista Lima 6664 55
Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades Lima 7884 64
The Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina Lima 8151 68
Universidad Marcelino Champagnat Lima 8156 69
Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur Lima 8694 73
Universidad Nacional de Caete Lima 9816 76
Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza Lima 9415 78
Universidad Mara Auxiliadora Lima 10277 80
Universidad Le Cordon Bleu Lima 9809 86
Universidad Nacional de Barranca Lima 9849 87
Universidad Autónoma del Per Lima 10993 90
Universidad Peruana de las Américas Lima 10252 91
Universidad SISE Lima 11284 93
Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana Lima 10687 94
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informatica Lima 10797 96
Universidad Privada TELESUP Lima 10812 97
Universidad Sergio Bernales Lima 11154 100
Universidad Arzobispo Loayza Lima 11778 106
Universidad Peruana de Investigación y Negocios Lima 12099 107
Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo, Peru Lima 11795 107
Universidad Peruana Simón Bolivar Lima 12259 116
Universidad Santo Domingo de Guzmán Lima 12358 119
Universidad Peruana de Integración Global Lima 12482 122
Universidad San Andrés Lima 12934 128
Universidad Privada Juan Pablo II Lima 12884 130