Universities in Oceania

Higher Education in Oceania


Which universities are the most common in each Oceanian country? Topuniversitieslist attempts to address this issue by releasing a list of Oceanian countries and rating higher-education institutions that fulfill the following Topuniversitieslist selection criteria:

being chartered, certified, or approved by the required higher education-related institution in each Oceanian region, and providing at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees) in a conventional, face-to-face, non-distance education format.
The aim of Topuniversitieslist is to include a non-academic League Table of the top Universities in each Oceanian country focused on accurate, impartial, and non-influenceable site metrics generated by objective web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by universities. We also have a short description of higher education in Oceania at the bottom of the list.

Oceania Universities by Country

Snapshot of Higher Education in Oceania

Representation of Oceanian Universities Around the World Oceania's Universities and Further Education In Oceania, how many universities are there? Oceania currently has 62 formally accredited higher-education institutions, according to the Topuniversitieslist website. Given that the Topuniversitieslist database contains a total of 13,723 officially accredited higher education entities, the following is the percentage of Oceanian Universities in the world: Oceanian Universities' World Representation Index (Topuniversitieslist ): 0.45% Due to the Oceanian continent's projected population of 0.53 percent of the global population (source: United Nations' World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision), the Oceanian higher education sector and offerings seem to be equally reflected in the world, at least in terms of the amount of higher education institutions. Oceania's Public vs. Private Universities In Oceania, how many public and private universities are there? In the Topuniversitieslist database, there are 62 recognised higher education institutions in Oceania, 56 of which are public (i.e., officially associated with or administered by central, state, or local governments) and 6 of which are private. In terms of the amount of public and private universities on the Oceanian continent as a whole, the Topuniversitieslist database indicates a far larger presence of public higher education institutions. Furthermore, 47 of Oceania's top 50 universities (94%) are public higher education entities. Every Oceanian country's higher education system can also have differences and peculiarities. Non-profit vs. for-profit organizations Oceania's universities Universities in Oceania are what kind of institutions they are. In the Topuniversitieslist database, there are 62 accredited higher education institutions in Oceania, 58 of which are non-profit and one of which is for-profit. The remaining Oceanian universities in the Topuniversitieslist database are either uncertain or have not been mentioned as to their form of body. The overwhelming majority of Oceanian public higher education entities are non-for-profit organizations, not generally legally, but definitely in terms of structure and institutional objectives including role, reach, and goal. Oceania's Top 50 Universities Topuniversitieslist publishes a non-academic list of the top 50 universities in Oceania twice a year, based on valid, impartial, and non-influenceable online indicators from independent web intelligence sources. For more detail, see the rating methodology on the About Us tab. The following is a list of the top 10 universities in Oceania, as determined by the 2020 Topuniversitieslist University Ranking:

Top 10 Universities in Oceania

# University Country WR
1 The University of Melbourne flag Australia 93
2 Monash University flag Australia 94
3 Australian National University flag Australia 108
4 University of Auckland flag New Zealand 192
5 RMIT University flag Australia 311
6 Deakin University flag Australia 361
7 Swinburne University of Technology flag Australia 421
8 La Trobe University flag Australia 446
9 University of Canterbury flag New Zealand 482
10 University of Canberra flag Australia 948

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